Interactive pneumatic shooting gallery is intended for use in industry of the attractions for change usual pneumatic shooting gallery with still mechanical targets. Shooting can be realized on film, moving and still targets, which are demonstrated on screen of the big size (1*2 meters).
The Main difference SHOOTING GALLERY from laser and other simulator - a shooting from pneumatic weapon with pool's or balls.
The base of the multimedia shooting gallery is an electronic target, which is fixed after screen and with pinpoint accuracy defines the coordinates of the hit pools or ball in screen after each shot.


The Computer analyses the coincidence of the point of the hit pools/ball with encoded for each frame area defeats. In the event of hit occurs switching a scenario film on frame, provided for hit in concrete target. In this way, participant of the action of the film shooter becomes, where scenario turns around the real-time and instant changes depending on accuracy of each shot.


The Criminals yells and fall at hit but in the event of miss continue their own actions. The Amount possible scenario's and variants of their development are not limited. Depending on preparation of shooters operator has a possibility to simplify or complicate the variants for shooters. Except of shooting on film, in complectation of the complex is included "Course of fire preparation" (the initial exercises, the prime level, exercises for special police), as well as additional exercises for shooting on still, appearing and moving targets.
Big popularity in pneumatic gallery uses shooting on driving and appearing dartboard, especially in mode of the competition between several shooters.

The Difficulty of the exercises possible to be changed to account of the change the sizes and velocities of the targets, and the result is declared by voice (is provided in Russian, English, German and French languages).
THE SHOOTING GALLERY safe and does not require the special permit for its usages

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